Thursday, October 27, 2005

Chisox can go back to ChiSucking

alright, sox won. what's up. go chicago. for the sake of my friends and family back home, it's awesome.


i seriously teared up as the camera panned to the astros' dugout. seriously, they all looked so sad. like puppies. and i wanted to hug them. it made me cry a little, mostly because, man, i've BEEN there. as a cubs fan, i can feel that pain of defeat.

also, the sox fans will be absolutely unbearable for the next, oh i dunno, UNTIL THE CUBS WIN A WORLD SERIES. which might be a few (hundred) years. here's hoping that beth is right and the curses are getting eliminated year by year. the goat will fall, i know it (random trivia: the current owner of the billy-goat brought a goat back to wrigley to try to undo the curse). so i'm glad someone is winning in chicago, but i hate that it's jerry reinsdorf (one of these days i'll rant about how he completely destroyed the bulls as a team). all the players were awesome on both sides, ozzie is just (adorable) amazing, the defense was so good all around. i'm feeling a lot of love for everyone right now.

best play of the game was the foul ball catch by uribe. watching it, i was saying "and this is where bartman shows up and...". but seriously, a ton of good baseball over the course of the series. the astros shouldn't have gotten swept, they were playing on par with the sox. just a few things went badly for them and poof. there goes the series. that's the problem with sports. the mole hills become mountains.

so now that the sox won, i can go back to saying that they suck. because sox fans will take a mile if you give them an inch. next year, it'll be us man! IT WILL BE!!

so baseball is over! what shall chickball discuss aimlessly for the next 5 months? suzie's fantasy team? trades and deals? perhaps. i, of course, will be discussing football. ^_^


Blogger Suzie said...

Hmm. What to talk about? Will "Sabermetrics are Sexy" and "The All-Hot Team" undermine the purpose of Chickball?


In all seriousness, bring on da football and da Bears.

1:01 AM  

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